Monday, September 04, 2006

Hunter Or Hunted?

As everyone knows by now, Steve Irwin(well known as 'The Crocodile Hunter'), was killed today by a stingray barb through the heart while filming a new documentary. He was 44.

Many people asked "But how can he be killed by a stingray when he'd handled more dangerous animals like crocodiles, poisonous spiders and snakes?". Even I found it hard to believe at first, until I saw the news all over Yahoo!. But still, it's hard to believe the fact that he was killed by a less dangerous stingray and not a python or crocodile.

It made me wonder, about the many ways a man could die, about the ways we would never thought of dying, about why are we devoting ourselves to our job knowing that there's a possibility that we could be killed by our jobs. Imagine a doctor doing an operation and was accidentally stabbed by the scalpel(Ok, this is highly impossible but still, there IS a possibility), imagine a chef's clothes got set up in fire while cooking, imagine a technician got electrocuted. As the elders say, "Do not fear death, fear the way people die". We all know we'll die someday, but we do not know how are we dying. Stabbed? Burned? Electrocuted? Or simply, got knocked down by a passing vehicle. Whatever the way, we should be prepared.

Why devoting ourselves to our jobs knowing that there are chances we could get killed while working? People say "He loves his job so much that he doesn't mind dying while working", but how true is that? One may love his job very much and says he doesn't mind dying while working, but when he comes face to face to death, he wouldn't think the same anymore.

So I say, don't devote to our jobs, work for a living, earn money and go on a vacation every year(if possible). No one wants to die working, and I'm sure about it.

I know not devoting to jobs doesn't apply to doctors, but heck, doctors need a life too! Ask any doctors, and I'm sure none of them wants to die in a hospital.

Lastly, may you rest in peace and find yourself a place in heaven, Mr Steve Irwin.

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